
Why is McCain Even Running?


Iraq was the key issue in the mid-term elections. Republicans and Democrats actually agree on that assessment. Now we are seeing a growing number of Republicans speaking out against the administration (it has become the hip thing to do). As if that isn’t enough, we found out via a new ABC poll of Senators that if all the Senators who voted to go to war with Iraq had a do-over, we would not be there today. Now we got McCain sounding like Bush’s little Parrot:

Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record)’s call for a substantial and sustained influx of U.S. troops in Iraq sets the Republican apart from other White House candidates — and it could help him or haunt him come 2008.

The Arizona senator’s hawkish position that the United States must do what is necessary to win the war might appeal to hard-core Republicans, but it also has the potential to turn off most Americans whose support for the nearly 4-year-old war has diminished.

“I have presidential ambitions, but they pale in comparison to what I think is most important to our nation’s security. If it destroys any ambitions I may have, I’m willing to pay that price gladly,” McCain said Friday, brushing aside scenarios of political fallout.

So if this country is ready to extend the Bush administration into the year 2012, go ahead and vote for McCain. I seriously hope he does win the Republican primary, because that will secure a 2008 Democratic President. This guy has flip-flopped on every single issue since his failed bid in 2000. We will have no problem exposing him for the absolute fraud he is. Further more, his absolute alignment with Bush now shows that he has absolutely no idea what America wants or needs. He won’t listen to the voters, and if he becomes our 44th President, he will quickly mimic the 43rd. With this logic, Michal Moore would be able to beat McCain in 2008.

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