
BREAKING NEWS: Outbreak Of World Peace!

The war in Iraq has ended. We are at peace with Iran and the Israeli’s and Palestinians are in perfect harmony living side by side. The genocide in Darfur has ceased after years and for once we are experiencing world peace.

You would think that was the case listening to the traditional media. CNN, MSNBC and FOX is on non stop Anna Nicole coverage. CNN actually started talking about Iraq this morning, but broke into that with their “breaking news”. What was that news that trumped the war engulfing the nation? “The coroner has started the autopsy on Anna Nicole”. Give me a break!

The really amazing part is the part that is so obvious. These news outlets are using this death to try and raise their ratings, as they always do. This is the most disrespectful thing that can be done with someone who died.  Now the big question is “who gets her money?” Hey idiots – who cares!

I talked to a lot of people I know last night and everyone of them was fed up with this coverage. They feel the same way I do. She is dead – it’s tragic but it is over. Now move on in the news cycle. The media won’t hardly mention a soldiers death in Iraq anymore, but let a model die or an astronaut get arrested in diapers and they have a proverbial  circle jerk over it.

Is it any wonder why we are looked at so negatively in the world? Everyone else faces serious problems, yet we try to hide them by our celebrities lives. Of course this is the plan of the media. Real Americans are still concerned about everything else.

The most troubling part is how dense these network executives are. They wonder why more people are turning to the web for their news and turning off their stations. Gee idiots – you think this could be a reason for that? Maybe everyone is tired of hearing the same old story run day in and day out. It used to be that I didn’t think about Anna Nicole one way or the other. Now I am starting to despise her, thanks to these vultures. Hey – maybe I should get some of her money for having to endure this non stop crap for the last 2 days.

And while writing this, CNN finally did jump into a couple of minutes of coverage of the Middle East. I am waiting for them to break into that to inform us the Y incision has been performed on Anna’s corpse.


While talking to a friend in the UK, something came up. Anna Nicole is someone who became famous for showing the world her tits. Why isn’t the Christian Right bitching about this coverage? They started their own armageddon when Janet Jackson’s nipple popped out at the Super Bowl. Is Anna Nicole more appropriate because she is a white blonde chick? I don’t want to give them more reasons to bitch, but their bitching should be just and not biased by race, religion or hair color.

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