
"The Cloud Over Cheney"

That is the latest piece by Froomkin in today’s WaPo talking about the Libby trial:

There is a cloud over the vice president . . . And that cloud remains because this defendant obstructed justice,” Fitzgerald said.

“There is a cloud over the White House. Don’t you think the FBI and the grand jury and the American people are entitled to straight answers?” Fitzgerald asked the jury.

Libby, Fitzgerald continued, “stole the truth from the justice system.”

This is a must read article that does a good job at summing the climax the month long trial. Marcy has done a great job at putting together a chronological list of Cheney’s involvement and even said Fitzgerald is free to use it if he needs it to indict Cheney.

While the case of Scooter Libby is coming to a close, I got a feeling the entire Plame investigation is still far from over. The wingnuts have tried to say that the investigation ended when Fitzgerald announced his indictments against Libby, but Fitzgerald made it clear that this case was not closed and things could still come out, even in the trial.

Fitzgerald his the nail on the head by saying “Don’t you think the FBI and the grand jury and the American people are entitled to straight answers?”. Yes they do, but even more so, the families of the 3,100 plus soldiers that have died in Iraq deserve the truth. This case is about one of the key arguments for the Iraq war, an argument which has since been debunked. Perhaps it is time for the Democrats in Congress to put Cheney and Bush under oath and have them testify.

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