
The Edwards Blogger Fiasco

This should really be a non-story, but the right could not resist. They swift boat anyone they can and their latest victim has done the honarable thing.

From Matt:

Amanda Marcotte resigned from the Edwards campaign.  It was her decision.  Amanda feels encumbered by the campaign and unable to effectively defend herself from the right-wing.  As such, it’s the correct decision to make because a Presidential campaign is the wrong place to be if you want to hit back at the right on your own behalf.  Aspiring bloggers for campaigns should take note of the restrictions placed on your freedom when you go to work for a campaign.  The personal cost can be quite high.

Melissa at Shakespeare’s Sister is still with the Edwards campaign.  Bill Donohue’s attack on Edwards failed, and we know that creepy bigots like him only have power if we grant it to them through our own actions.

The biggest problem here is the one who is most vocale in the attack against Amanda – Bill Donohue. Media Matters shows us how Donohue likes to talk about Jewish people:

On the February 9 edition of CNBC’s Kudlow & Company, Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Peter Beinart confronted Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights president William Donohue over his 2004 statement that “Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular.” Donohue defended the statement.

So why is it ok to attack the Jewish people, but not the Catholics? This has a strong ring of “religous extremism” to it. Perhaps the Catholics who are truly offended by Amanda’s comments should also denounce Donohue. He is the worst offender – he exploits his religion in the name of money and power.

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