
Malkin Shows Her Hand


I posted the other day about the letter that was sent to CPAC from some right wing blogs regarding Ann Coulter. These bloggers took a stand against Coulter’s hate speech. Of course the right wing darling, Michelle Malkin, was missing from that list. She did a quick little show of outrage over the incident once it gained some publicity, but I never bought it at all, so I was not surprised that her name was absent from the list.

Now she is using the story of Matt Sanchez, right wing darling and gay porn star, to defend Ann Coulter. Think Progress has the run down of Malkin’s latest show of idiocy. Malkin posted this on her blog to try and “show the hatred of liberals“:

I said the other day I thought CPAC organizers would be justified in being embarrassed if the rumors about Sanchez’s porn star past 15 years ago turned out to be true. Well, the rumors are true. But it is neither CPAC nor Cpl. Sanchez who should feel embarrassed.

It’s the nasty, gloating liberals who claim to stand for tolerance, privacy, human rights, and compassion. I predicted the other day that left-wing bigotry would rear its ugly head. I was right. The e-mail I’ve received is more disgusting than anything Ann Coulter stupidly said at CPAC.

It is amazing how Malkin always get’s some mysterious email proving her point. Does she really think we are that blinded by her? Are her readers really so gullible as to fall for that?

I don’t buy this “email” story for one minute. This is the same person who decided to get rid of comments on her blog because of “threats” and “nastiness”. Funny that no one ever saw these comments. Even more interesting is how she attacked the HuffPo for turning off comments on a post where some bad things were said about the attempt on Dick Cheney’s life.

Nico at Think Progress nails the entire issue on the head:

What’s notable is that Malkin compares Coulter to these alleged “liberal” emailers. Malkin doesn’t get it: the random people allegedly writing her don’t have regular appearances on NBC News or receive warm praise from leading presidential candidates. Malkin’s attempt to conflate Coulter with random emailers simply downplays Coulter’s influence.

Nico also points out that there is no privacy issue here, as Malkin is claiming. Matt Sanchez appeared in gay pornographic websites on the internet. That isn’t some super secret society on the internet. These are the annoying pop-ups people receive or the dreaded spam in their in-box. An example of a privacy issue would be if someone is married and gets a discreet blow job from a consenting adult only for Congress to find out and hold massive public hearings on. That is far more a privacy issue than Matt Sanchez. (Can you smell that? It smells like hypocrisy Michelle!)

With the anonymity of the internet, it is easy for anyone to write an email (including Malkin), or post a comment. I have been around different forums on the internet for a long time. I have been an administrator on a political forum and do the technical work for some of the biggest blogs. When you get access to more information about people on the internet, interesting things prevail. Here is a common scenario. You get some “liberal”  saying some really extremist things – such as “all pro-lifers should be shot”. With administrative access you gain access to such things as IP addresses for these posters. You can search that IP address in your software and realize that some regular right-winger also posts from the exact same IP address (and not an AOL address which uses a proxy system). You pretty much got the proof you need that the right-winger is posing as a “liberal” to make them look bad or get a rise out of people. I have seen this happen in reverse also, a liberal acting as a right winger.

If an alleged email acts as the collective voice of liberals then the words of Ann Coulter would become the collective views of the conservatives. Those of us with a rational thought process know this isn’t the case. We saw true conservatives, who actually care about their party, standing up to Coulter’s hate speech and not trying to make excuses. They signed a letter denouncing what Coulter said, something Malkin wouldn’t do.

If you ever followed Malkin’s blog you can tell she wants to be the next Ann Coulter. She constantly spews her hate speech and shows her intolerance. Like Coulter, Malkin is also given the spotlight by FOX news. Malkin and Coulter represent the fringe element of the right-wing. They are in the same corners as people like Timothy McVeigh and abortion clinic bombers. This is the reason media outlets should not give them an open voice in the public forum; and Coulter’s voice is slowly being muzzled.

So Michelle – don’t try to sell anyone on your little email scam. If we took serious all the fringe emails we got on the right then the FBI would need an entire new division just to investigate the threats of violence that are received. I guess Malkin would also believe an email saying “I am the executor of the estate for one of your distant relatives. This relative has left you $10 million dollars”.

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