
The Tillman Story Far From Over

After yesterday’s press briefing about Pat Tillman’s death, there were still many questions that lurked. It smelled of a cover-up, and apparently the Tillman family feels the same way:

The family of Cpl. Pat Tillman said Monday the Army investigation into the former NFL player’s death by friendly fire in Afghanistan suggests a “conspiracy” and vowed to pursue a congressional investigation into how the death was handled.

Military officials had said earlier that nine officers, including four generals, will face “corrective action” for making critical mistakes in the aftermath of Tillman’s death.

The NFL player was killed in Afghanistan in 2004 after giving up a professional football career to fight as an Army Ranger.

In their statement, the Tillman family said they were not satisfied with the Army report.

“In our opinion, this attempt to impose closure by slapping the wrists of a few officers and enlisted men is just another bureaucratic entrenchment,” the family statement said. “Once again, we are being used as props in a Pentagon public relations exercise.”

The military cited all these false reports made, and yet that wasn’t wrong? The most interesting part is how the series of events they described sounds like some group effort to cover it up, yet there is nothing wrong with that and they didn’t even look into the intent of this action. What kind of investigation doesn’t look into intent?

This brings another issue to light – accountability in our military. We have seen so many problems with out military and the upper brass always blames it on “rogue” elements. Abu Gharib, Haditha, the list goes on. So what kind of military do we have when the commanders and troops don’t follow the rules? What kind of leader is our commander in chief when his army acts like this?

Hopefully Congress will open an investigation into this (and I believe they will). The Tillman family is owed the truth. Our military isn’t treating our soldiers right when they are injured, or when they are killed in action. Someone must be accountable for that.

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