
On This Holy Week

It is time to look at the Catholic League’s president, Bill Donahue. On Friday night, Donahue was on Anderson Cooper arguing why the chocolate Jesus should not be allowed. Here is his exchange with the artist who created the tasty tribute, Cosimo Cavallaro.

Donahue was in great form. He was handing out threats to Cavallaro, like talking about a beheading. He then resorted to the holiest of thou art of name calling. These are all things that Jesus preached about (intolerance, violence, hate).

Yeah right.

Donahue is a disgrace to any religion. Any person who has read the Bible, or even gone to a real church, would know that Jesus would not want to be associated with Donahue. In other words – Donahue is everything Jesus preached against. This is not a man of God, but rather a man of greed. All Catholics should denounce this man. True if he really believes in the Bible and Jesus, then he is facing an eternity burning in hell for his sins. Of course if he believed that, he would not be acting the way he does.


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