
Republicans Defend Pelosi, While Lieberman Bashes Her

On Late Edition, Wolf Blitzer had Arlen Specter and Joe Lieberman discussing Nancy Pelosi’s Syria trip. Today we got Specter, a Republican, defending Pelosi’s trip, while Lieberman, the man who claims to be a Democrat, bashing Pelosi.

(video just uploaded so it will take a minute)

Lieberman played his usual role as mouth piece for the Bush White House. He even resorted to the old play book tactic of blaming your enemies for 9/11 (that’s right – Lieberman thinks Syria was behind 9/11 now). Luckily Wolf Blitzer quickly called him out on that. Specter ended up winning this debate hands down. Specter even pointed to accomplishments the Clinton White House made talking to Syria. Now that is a big change.

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