
That's Got To Sting!

Republicans HATE Jon Stewart. They feel like he is some liberal God, so they always attack his show saying the viewers are “uneducated” or “not informed”. I have heard this same old line on FOX time and time again.

Well let’s look at the numbers in a new poll that has just been released by Pew.

Other details are equally eye-opening. Pew judged the levels of knowledgeability (correct answers) among those surveyed and found that those who scored the highest were regular watchers of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and Colbert Report. They tied with regular readers of major newspapers in the top spot — with 54% of them getting 2 out of 3 questions correct. Watchers of the Lehrer News Hour on PBS followed just behind.

(emphasis added)

Well that doesn’t sound like their is a lack of knowledge there. Something that isn’t there is any mention of FOX news viewers, or any other cable news for that matter. Oh wait!

Virtually bringing up the rear were regular watchers of Fox News. Only 1 in 3 could answer 2 out of 3 questions correctly. Fox topped only network morning show viewers.

OUCH!!!!! Now I am not going to attack the viewers of FOX. It is not their fault that they can not answer simple questions correctly. Instead we must focus on the teachers (in this case the hosts on FOX). They are the ones letting their viewers down.

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