
Who Suffers Most?

Laure Bush told Anne Curry on the Today show that when it comes to Iraq “no one suffers more than than the President or I do”. Excuse me? No one? How about the family of the 3,333 soldiers who have died in this lie? How about the tens of thousands of soldiers who are permanently injured from this war? How about the 140,000 troops still over there and not at home with their loved ones?

What the hell is George’s suffering? He jokes about Iraq and ignores the best advice on how to handle the situation. Hell – he even jokes about the war. His “suffering” was brought on by himself – the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions of Iraqis was brought not self-inflicted, it was Bush inflicted! Thing about that Laura – you cold hearted bitch!

Check out the video at AmericaBLOG if you want to see the definition of compassion in the eyes of neo-cons.

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