
Gonzo Highlights

Hear are some highlights from around the blogosphere regarding today’s Gonzo hearings.

Arlen Specter is now proposing a special prosecutor to investigate the entire attorney gate scandal, including possible contempt charges from the House.

TPM also picks up on hints being dropped at perjury charges against Gonzales. This is big considering he is our top law enforcement official.

Gonzales may have revealed that the domestic wiretapping had nothing to do with terrorist surveillance:

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) recalled that former Deputy Attorney General James Comey testified to a much different version of events. Comey said he had refused to sign on to an extension of the program “amid concerns about its legality and oversight.”

Today, Gonzales said Comey was referring to “other intelligence activities,” appearing to confirm that the Bush administration is operating more than one warrantless domestic spying program. In a heated back and forth with Specter, Gonzales stated:

The disagreement that occurred was about other intelligence activities and the reason for the visit to the hospital was about other intelligence activities. It was not about the terrorist surveillance program that the president announced to the American people.

Chuck Schumer also got on Gonzales about his constant contradictions in statements.

Overall, I would say this is the big one. Bush has used the excuse of wartime powers to eavesdrop on our enemies. Our enemy is the terrorists, but if the warrantless tapping that was being discussed wasn’t in connecting to terrorist surveillance, then what? That is a very serious question and the only way it might be answered is to start impeachment proceedings followed with criminal charges against Bush and anyone else involved.

Today we find out there is more at stake than meats the eye. The Democrats have an obligation to the people and the Constitution of this country to see to it that justice is done. I suggest everyone call their representative and senators to urge them to take action now.

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