

That is what Boehner called GOP Senators who are against the “surge”:

Rep. Heather Wilson (R-N.M.) called for comity Wednesday during a meeting of the Republican Conference after House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) referred to Senate colleagues who have begun to favor a change in course in Iraq as “wimps.”

Wilson declined to comment directly on what Boehner had said during the closed-door meeting, but she noted that “Senator [Richard] Lugar’s (R-Ind.) speech was one of the more thoughtful speeches [she had heard] in the Senate in a long time.”

So John Boehner feels the tone involving this war should be the same involving school yard taunts. That is really thoughtful. I feel our soldiers deserve a little more maturity from our leaders.

Why don’t Boehner get on the House floor and cry some more? That can be considered very wimpy. Better yet – why don’t the House Republican caucus hold an election to replace Boehner as their leader? They should show that our soldiers and citizens demand more respect.

Hey John – here is a real wimp. A congressman who refuses to talk to a bunch of senior citizens he represents when their Medicare is not working. John Boehner – you are the biggest wimp (and that is the nicest thing I can say about you).

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