
Being Slimed In The Green Zone


That is an article in Today’s Washington Post, which describes sheets our troops are given to describe lawmakers visiting:

The sheets of paper seemed to be everywhere the lawmakers went in the Green Zone, distributed to Iraqi officials, U.S. officials and uniformed military of no particular rank. So when Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.) asked a soldier last weekend just what he was holding, the congressman was taken aback to find out.

In the soldier’s hand was a thumbnail biography, distributed before each of the congressmen’s meetings in Baghdad, which let meeting participants such as that soldier know where each of the lawmakers stands on the war. “Moran on Iraq policy,” read one section, going on to cite some the congressman’s most incendiary statements, such as, “This has been the worst foreign policy fiasco in American history.”

This really sounds like someone up the chain of command decided to engage our troops in political activity, which is ILLEGAL under our military laws. The Pentagon and/or other agencies should start a criminal investigation into this find out how this practice came to being.

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