
Taking Responsibility


Or something the Republicans never do:

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough conducted a phone interview on Thursday morning with former white House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who heads a group that is running an ad campaign to convince Congress to continue funding President Bush’s Iraq War.

“When we see all the missteps [in Iraq] … it makes it harder, does it not, for the American people to trust this administration moving forward?” Scarborough asked Fleischer.

“Look at the other side,” Fleischer answered. “I could blame Jimmy Carter for creating the mullahs and the ayatollahs in Iran.”

“But Jimmy Carter’s not president right now,” said Scarborough. “Jimmy Carter’s not saying ‘Trust me.’ George Bush is.”

Get that? It’s Carter’s fault that we have problems with Iran. Nothing about Bush’s “axis of evil” comment or anything. Just like the Republicans blaming Clinton for al Qaeda and 9/11, even though whenever he tried to take action against them the Republicans screamed “wagging the dog”. Perhaps if the Republicans would have worried less about blow jobs in the 90’s, September 11th would have never happened. Why don’t people ever ask that?

Perhaps that should become a campaign slogan. When the Republicans try this change of blame game, come out and say “The Republicans infatuation with Bill Clinton’s cock caused 9/11 and the loss of 3,000 lives”. In this world of blame games, that holds more water than blaming Jimmy Carter for something 30 years ago. Hell if that is the case then why didn’t Reagan do something? He was supposed to be this ultimate President. He had more time in office than Carter did.

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