
How Dare They Write Letters!

This is a very bizarre story, and hopefully one the House Ethics Committee will be taking up:

A local couple is complaining that U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn left them two threatening voice mails after they wrote a letter criticizing his fundraising.

Jonathan Bartha and Anna Bartha told The Denver Post that Lamborn said there would be “consequences” if they did not withdraw their letter.

“We felt very threatened and intimidated, and quite frankly, scared,” Anna Bartha said. “It was just not anything we would ever anticipate an elected official would pursue or a way that an elected official would conduct himself.”

So members of Congress feel they can now threaten constituents? I guess I got something to be proud of with John Boehner as my representative now. I have criticized him numerous times, but at least he never threatened me.

Something I also find interesting in this article is how the AP decided not to put his party behind his name, as is general practice. The article fails to mention Lamborn is a Republican, until a hint of it appears at the very end talking about the GOP primary for his seat last year. Cutting them some slack there AP? Or perhaps they are taking a lesson off of Lamborn’s website, which also doesn’t mention he is a Republican. The only clue there is an endorsement from the Republican National Coalition for Life.

I can understand a certain level of feeling bad for the GOP with all the problems they are having, but there is no one to blame but themselves for what has happened to their party. True this could be that “media bias” we always hear about. Of course that complaint is mostly aired on the right, when the bias defiantly leans in their favor.

Steve has more at TPM

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