
On Petraeus

There was a lot of attention give to General Petraeus saying he didn’t know if Iraq was making us safer. For those that missed it, here it the clip from yesterday’s Senate hearing:

This was a very damming answer and could be detrimental to the warring morale of our troops. For their commander to say he “doesn’t know” if their sacrifice is making their country safer speaks volumes. His explanation of not thinking about that is also very poor. I doubt there is a person in this country who hasn’t asked themselves that very question. It amounts to our very purpose of being there. It also is one of George Bush’s key reasons of the war. How many times do we hear Bush or other supporters saying “If we leave Iraq today they will follow us home”.

Even more profound is the day that this horrible statement was made on. Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. For 4 1/2 years since those attacks, our nation’s military has been focused on a war, in a nation, that has nothing to do with the attacks – and for what? The people who killed almost 3,000 of our citizens is still on the run and this idiot is sitting before Congress saying that the last 4 1/2 years has not made us safer?

Petraeus did not only betray us with this comment, he betrayed the soldiers, who are sacrificing tirelessly for this war.

Speaking of betrayal and Petraeus, there has also been a lot of talk about the Move On ad. Republicans are out there quickly yelling that Democrats should denounce Move On. Here we go again with the morbid hypocrisy that is constantly exhibited on the right. Again on the anniversary of 9/11, Ann Coulter was speaking in the “Freedom tour”, with people like Rudy Giuliani. This is a person who said the widows of 9/11 cherish their husbands death. What hasn’t the GOP denounced those statements? I guess they believe the same thing Coulter says. After all – that is what their own rules dictate in this.

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