
John Boehner Thinks Jack Murtha Is A Phoney Soldier


Seriously. This from a man who never once saw combat. He didn’t come right out and say it, but this email response shows that he fully supports Rush’s comments:

Dear Jamie :

           Thank you for contacting me in regard to Rush Limbaugh’s recent statements. It is good to hear from you.

           Limbaugh’s “phony soldiers” statement was spawned by a recent incident in which Jesse Macbeth, a civilian anti-war protester, made false claims of being an Army Ranger and veteran of the Iraq War. He joined Iraq Veterans Against the War in January, 2006, and even publicly represented the group at various events throughout the country. On September 21, 2007, he admitted in federal court that he had faked his war record. When Limbaugh responded to a caller about war protesters, it is evident that h e used the term “phony soldiers ” while alluding to the recent situation regarding Jesse Macbeth.

           Since this incident, Rep. John Hall and Rep. Mark Udall, both House D emocrats, have introduced resolutions condemning Rush Limbaugh’s remarks. These resolutions have undoubtedly been drafted as a form of appeasement to an extreme liberal left, and I find it disheartening that they would take his comments out of context to play partisan politics when our country clearly has more important issues in need of attention. If at any time either of these resolutions reach the floor of the House of Representatives, I will welcome the opportunity to join with my colleagues in ensuring its defeat.

Rush Limbaugh’s strong support of and charity for U.S. troops is well established and was even recognized by the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. Unlike radical left-wing groups and their followers, Limbaugh’s goal is to boost troop morale, not depress it by stalling the resources troops need to complete their mission.

           Thank you again for contacting me with your thoughts. Please don’t hesitate to inform me of your concerns in the future.


John A. Boehner

And Boehner accuses those against the war of not supporting our troops. Imagine that. This from the same man who called each dead soldier a “small price to pay”. This man is beyond the pale. We really need to find someone to replace him next year. John Boehner doesn’t even deserve a seat on city council in Redneck USA.

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