
Schumer Approves Of Torture

Glenn Greenwald highlights this little part of Schumer’s speech last night during the confirmation of Mukasey:

[The most amazing quote was from chief Mukasey supporter Chuck Schumer, who, before voting for him, said that Mukasey is “wrong on torture — dead wrong.” Marvel at that phrase: “wrong on torture.” Six years ago, there wasn’t even any such thing as being “wrong on torture,” because “torture” wasn’t something we debated. It would have been incoherent to have heard: “Well, he’s dead wrong on torture, but . . . ”

Now, “torture” is not only something we openly debate, but it’s something we do. And the fact that someone is on the wrong side of the “torture debate” doesn’t prevent them from becoming the Attorney General of the United States. It’s just one issue, like any other issue — the capital gains tax, employer mandates for health care, the water bill — and just because someone is “dead wrong” on one little issue (torture) hardly disqualifies them from High Beltway Office.]

That’s right – minor little things like torture shouldn’t stop someone from being our top law enforcement officer. Hell I bet old Chuck is heading down to Gitmo to join in some good old waterboarding. Talk about a man who has become a disgrace to his party, office and country.

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