
New Police Officers Make Fun Of Condition That Plagues Iraq Vets


This is totally disguising:

A state police academy leader has disavowed the slogan of the most recent graduating class urging one another to “go out and cause” post-traumatic stress disorder.

Each class at the Idaho Police Officer Standards and Training Academy is allowed to choose a slogan that is printed on its graduation programs, and the class of 43 graduates came up with “Don’t suffer from PTSD, go out and cause it.”

So what did they do about it in Idaho? Nothing!

Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney, who attended the Dec. 14 graduation, pointed out the slogan to the academy’s director, Jeff Black, minutes before the ceremony began, Raney said. A photograph of the program was e-mailed anonymously to news outlets throughout the state.

“That’s not something we encourage or condone,” Black said. “It shouldn’t have been there. It was inappropriate.”

Black said the class president was ex-military, and that the slogan “slipped in.” He declined to identify the graduate. Black said future slogans would be vetted by academy leaders.

What should have been done? The academy should have told these idiots that they are not graduating. Instead they will go through the entire process again – including the mental screening. Police brutality is on an upward rise in this country and morons like this will certainly help add to that statistic.

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