
The Republicans Want War Soooo Bad

It amazes me how disappointed the Republicans are that the NIE put a damper on their wet dream of a war with Iran:

Some Republicans in Congress are second-guessing a government intelligence report that Iran has abandoned its nuclear weapons program. They want a second opinion.

The National Intelligence Estimate, released last week, concludes Iran halted its weapons development program in 2003 and that the program remained frozen through at least the middle of this year. That reversed a key finding from a 2005 intelligence report, which said Iran was intently developing a nuclear bomb. An unclassified summary of the new report was released specifically to correct that impression.

In 2003 the NIE said Iran was not seeing nuclear weapons. In 2005 it said they were seeking nuclear weapons. Now it says they stopped seeking them in 2003. Now here is something that would have changed between 2003 and 2005 – they lost on of their intelligence people who was working on Iran and WMD. Who was that agent? Oh yeah – Valerie Plame, the person the administration exposed because her husband said the administrations claims of Iraq’s nuclear ambitions were bogus.

The other amazing part is that when this new NIE came out, Bush came out and touted it as proof his restructuring of the intelligence communities worked. So these Republicans are going against Bush now? Are they trying to armchair quarterback our Commander in Chief into another war?

I guess they are listening to Fred Thompson, who recently said the NIE was “foolish”. Of course he still is wondering how the “Soviet Union” will play into this. I guess we should trust Fred and his intelligence background. Remember that time there was a rogue Soviet sub commander wanting to defect  and Fred worked with the CIA to help make it possible? As an exclusive here on Intoxination, I have received a document of this work Fred did with the CIA.

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