

Sean writes about Clinton:

So why is it OK for her to dismiss his wins in states with large black voter participation? Because that is exactly what she is effing doing. That isn’t the Democratic party I am a member of, that is the Southern Democratic party of the 1950s and 60s, which I wouldn’t want to be a part of. And yeah, I know some of you are rolling your eyes and think I’m being excessively sensitive, but seriously, let it sink in for a second, she is saying that because he is black, and Louisiana has a large amount of black voters, his win doesn’t mean as much…does that sound like a Democratic position to you?

When I heard her campaign dismiss those votes, because of the black population, I thought the same thing. It is rather insulting. But I don’t think it’s racism – I chalk it more up to stupidity. She is saying the same thing about caucus goers also.

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