
Contractors Waste Your Money

And Bush loves it:

Lawmakers say they will push ahead with a presidential commission designed to root out waste and fraud in military contracts despite President Bush’s concerns that it could usurp his authority.

Bush signed into law on Monday a wide-ranging defense bill that includes instructions to create a commission to investigate defense contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is modeled after a similar commission that was headed by Harry Truman in the 1940s to uncover abuse in military contracts during World War II.

Along with his signature, Bush singled out the commission and three other provisions that could “purport to impose requirements that could inhibit the president’s ability to carry out his constitutional obligations.”

For the past several years people have argued for a Truman style commission to investigate these contractors. Now we finally get a law passed in accordance with the Constitution and Bush says “nope”. I am so Glad Nancy Pelosi loves Bush so much and won’t do anything about him. Her and Harry are just what this democracy fascist state needs.

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