
Lanny Davis' Money Quote


While supporting the thought of super delegates swaying the vote to Hillary:

Don’t change the rules in the middle of the game – or, more accurately, don’t game the rules to change the outcome.

Interesting idea. So why is it that Hillary is doing this exact thing when it comes to Michigan and Florida?

Also Lanny exhibits the precise “inside the beltway” type thinking that people are tired of. He acts like Super Delegates have been some wonderful system that has never met any criticism. Nothing could be further from the truth. People have said for years that it wasn’t a fair system and should be revamped or revoked. Why? Because of the problems we are facing now – the same problems people like Lanny Davis thought would never exist.

The other fact is that a lot of Democrats never really knew about Super Delegates. They never received that much press in the past, and your typical Democratic voter thought that the person with the most votes one.

What it boils down to is a repeat of 2000. The super delegates are the DNC’s own little electoral college. That cost us the White House in 2000, and people like Lanny complained back then. Now this same style system is great? I would expect that kind of flip flopping from Mitt Romney, or any Republican, but coming from a Democrat? That’s insulting.

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