
Neo-cons To Soldier: "Your A Liar!"

Thursday night Obama brought up this story:

“You know, I’ve heard from an Army captain who was the head of a rifle platoon — supposed to have 39 men in a rifle platoon,” he said. “Ended up being sent to Afghanistan with 24 because 15 of those soldiers had been sent to Iraq. And as a consequence, they didn’t have enough ammunition, they didn’t have enough humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief.”

And the wingnuts immediately called him out as a liar. Now ABC’s Jake Tapper has confirmed the story with the actual Army captain:

I called the Obama campaign this morning to chat about this story, and was put in touch with the Army captain in question.

He told me his story, which I found quite credible, though for obvious reasons he asked that I not mention his name or certain identifying information.

So the wingnuts (the people who play cheerleader for wars, yet are to scared to go fight in them), basically have called this Army captain a liar. But they aren’t alone in their blasphemy of a U.S. soldier. The Pentagon also seems to be chiming in on the smear now. With treatment like this I am surprised more people aren’t rushing to enlist.

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