
OMG The Clinton's Have Money?

Of course they do, but you wouldn’t guess it listening to a lot of other people. They act like the Clinton’s were some poor people, and shocked that they had $5 million to give to the campaign. Now Obama suggests that the Clintons should disclose their tax returns:

Asked whether he would call on the Clintons to release their tax returns, Obama stopped short of saying they should.

“I’ll just say that I’ve released my tax returns. That’s been a policy I’ve maintained consistently. I think the American people deserve to know where you get your income from. But I’ll leave it up to you guys to chase it down,” he told reporters on the flight to Omaha, Neb., for a rally.

“I’ve disclosed my income tax returns,” he said. “I think we set the bar in terms of transparency and disclosure that has been a consistent theme of my campaign and my career in politics.”

While not coming out and actually saying they should, he is fueling the media to push for it.

This is going to lead into a nastier fight for the Democratic nod. We need one candidate or the other to make a break into front runner status, but that isn’t going to happen. Instead we need the DNC to step-up and try to get something to happen to get this fight over with.

We have six months until the convention. That is six months of McCain attacking both Clinton and Obama, plus Clinton and Obama attacking each other. If this thing to come to a head soon, we can expect to see President John McCain come first of the year.

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