
"A Major Debacle"

That’s how a new report describes the Iraq War, and even goes as far as saying the “outcome is in doubt”. This isn’t a report by some left-wing group, but a report by National Defense University, the Pentagon’s top educational institute.

The report was written by Joseph Collins, a former top Rumsfeld aide. He even lays a lot of the blame on his former boss:

Rumsfeld, who was closely allied with Vice President Dick Cheney, bypassed the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the report says, and became “the direct supervisor of the combatant commanders.”

” … the aggressive, hands-on Rumsfeld,” it continues, “cajoled and pushed his way toward a small force and a lightning fast operation.” Later, he shut down the military’s computerized deployment system, “questioning, delaying or deleting units on the numerous deployment orders that came across his desk.”

That right there should be indictment enough against Rumsfeld and Cheney. How many thousands of lives have been loss for their little experiment?

The report also says what Democrats have been saying all along – the war is emboldening our enemies:

“Compounding all of these problems, our efforts there (in Iraq) were designed to enhance U.S. national security, but they have become, at least temporarily, an incubator for terrorism and have emboldened Iran to expand its influence throughout the Middle East,” the report continued.

I suggest you give the article a full read. It shows that the administration is nothing more than war mongers, with no regard to the lives of our troops.

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