
More People Feel Clinton's Destroying The Party

In a WaPo article this morning, they talk about growing concerns of Clinton trying to destroy the entire Democratic party for her own political  ambitions:

The protracted and increasingly acrimonious fight for the Democratic presidential nomination is unnerving core constituencies — African Americans and wealthy liberals — who are becoming convinced that the party could suffer irreversible harm if Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton maintains her sharp line of attack against Sen. Barack Obama.

Clinton’s solid win in the Pennsylvania primary exposed a quandary for the party. Her backers may be convinced that only she can win the white, working-class voters that the Democratic nominee will need in the general election, but many African American leaders say a Clinton nomination — handed to her by superdelegates — would result in a disastrous breach with black voters.

This is also starting to cost her in donors. Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon, ambassador to Chile under Clinton, was considered one of Hillary’s top fundraisers (a “hillraiser”), bringing her in more than $500,000. Now he has defected over to Obama because of this. Smaller donors are also following suit, as explained in the WaPo article:

“I think she is destroying the Democratic Party,” said New York lawyer Daniel Berger, who had backed Clinton with the maximum allowable donation of $2,300. “That there’s no way for her to win this election except by destroying [Obama], I just don’t like it. So in my own little way, I’m trying to send her a message.”

The message came in the form of a $2,300 contribution to Obama.

You would think this would be a sure sign to Clinton to get out for the good of the entire party, but she won’t. Even Clinton backer George McGovern is starting to worry about it, and seeing the same pattern emerge that cost him the White House in 1972.

It’s sad to say, but if this does continue we can just go ahead and inaugurate John McCain. When we are in the middle of a war with Iran we can then blame the Clintons.

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