
Yes We Are!

Barack and Michelle Obama said this today:

Democrat Barack Obama and his wife said Thursday the public is tired of hearing about incendiary remarks by their former pastor, as they sought to put the controversy that has rocked his presidential campaign to rest.

“We hear time and time again voters are tired of this,” Michelle Obama said in an interview the couple gave to NBC’s “Today” show.’

Again we are stuck suffering through some media created outrage. MSNBC has been particularly disgusting with this story. It has been the topic of conversation for the last several days. They want people to think it is the main issue facing Americans, and that we worry about nothing else. Forget Iraq, the economy, terrorism, health care, jobs, etc. – we want to hear about Wright! This just shows how out of touch they are with the American public.

So how much is America concerned about Wright? Markos digs that up for us:

How much bigger? 43 percent of respondents are concerned about the 71-year-old John McCain’s close ties to George Bush.

36 percent have concerns about Clinton’s political opportunism, and 27 percent are concerned about Bill Clinton being back in the White House.

34 percent have problems with Obama’s “bitter” remarks and 32 percent give a damn about Jeremiah Wright.

The two biggest “outrages” the media has created, Wright and “bittergate”, are the least of voters concerns. In that poll, it looks like John McCain has the most to worry about. I wonder if MSNBC will bring this up? I doubt it since it’s just a poll – a poll ran by NBC!

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