
35 Articles Of Impeachment!

Dennis Kucinich filed 35 articles of impeachment against George W. Bush last night:

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a former Democratic presidential contender, said Monday he wants the House to consider a resolution to impeach President Bush.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently has said impeachment was “off the table.”

Kucinich, D-Ohio, read his proposed impeachment language in a floor speech. He contended Bush deceived the nation and violated his oath of office in leading the country into the Iraq war.

This AP article, which is written more like some high school lecture notes, is interesting. This isn’t the only place I had seen the reminder of Pelosi’s “impeachment of the table” comment last night. Malkin even brought that up:

Will Pelosi’s pledge to keep impeachment “off the table” hold?

I would have to say Pelosi was speaking for herself. I highly doubt the Speaker of the House was telling all members of Congress what resolutions they were allowed/not allowed to introduce. Also, wasn’t this statement made by Pelosi way before we had a former White House official saying the President deceived this country into war? Those new revelations should make all Pelosi’s previous commments null and void.

Speaking of Scott McClellan and Michelle Malkin, on the same post Malkin posts an update at 9:35pm EST, saying that Robert Wexler is trying to get McClellan to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. Perhaps Malkin should turn off FOX news every once in awhile, because an hour before this “update”, Scott was on Countdown telling Keith he would be testifying. Here’s the clip from that interview:

Yup, if you want to stay uninformed, head on over to Malkin’s blog and read away.

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