
McCain = Bush! More Than You Think

Last night this clip showed on Countdown. It’s of a 60 year old librarian who was charged with trespassing because she carried a sign that read “McCain=Bush” to a McCain town hall meeting:

She asks the question the media has been afraid to – why do the Republicans hide from the McCain=Bush analogy so much? The Republicans have given Bush their undying support over the past 7 years, and now that Bush is about gone they abandon him? Somethings not right here. Did the Republicans back the lies of George W. Bush, which have destroyed this nation, just for political convenience? Perhaps they are trying to distance McCain from Bush now for political convenience.

I also find the silence from McCain about this incident to be troubling. Removing people with opposing views from campaign rally is right out of the Bush/Rove campaign book, and it seems the McCain is adopting that. Not a good thing when you want to distance yourself from Bush.

So yes – John McCain will be a third Bush term more than you think. McCain is proving that himself.

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