
Andrea Mitchell Is Outraged Over Bailout Failing – Guess She Wanted To Save The Hubby


Andrea Mitchell was on Morning Joe blaming Barack Obama for the bailout failing. Her argument is that he didn’t bring the Congressional Black Caucus on board to vote for it. She gets noticeably mad about this, despite the fact that Democrats delivered more votes than promise and the fact that the CBC was dead set against this bill since it didn’t restore some bankruptcy protection to citizens.

Why is Mitchell even reporting on this? She is married to one of the key players who helped create this problem, Alan Greenspan, so it appears to be a major conflict of interest on her part.

(And I won’t even get into how racist this sounds. I guess the CBC is expected to play follow the leader regardless of their own belief, simply because of his skin color?)

Also I thought Joe Scarborough was a member of Congress at one point in his life? He sure isn’t acting like it. He gets all pissy that it was brought up for a vote and failed. Every report I had seen was that the votes were there when they brought it up, but the Republicans changed their minds at the last minute. This is also evident in the final vote count. Doesn’t Joe understand that, or is he just too busy towing the party line?

It just amazes me how everyone, Democrats and Republicans, are talking about how important this bill was and it’s the Democrats fault for it not passing. The Democrats voted for it by 60-40%, while the Republicans voted against it 67%-33%. Is this that hard to understand? The math is a lot simpler than that of the package.

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