
Wingnuts Channel McCarthy Through Bachmann

The wingnuts are up in arms over the NRCC pulling funds from Michelle Bachmann’s campaign. Here’s Amanda Carpenter at Town Clownhall:

Last Sunday I posted how the liberals were going crazy after Bachmann said William Ayers was un-American and openly wondered about Ayers’s influence on Barack Obama on Hardball. Chris Matthews spun it to sound like Bachmann said ALL liberals were un-American, the liberal blogs blogged about it and Bachmann’s Democratic opponent cashed in big time.

What interview did Carpenter see? Here’s the actual interview of Bachmann and she clearly states that she thinks Obama is un-American and even wants all Liberals in Congress investigated by the media:

Apparently Amanda has the attention span of George Bush and couldn’t see the obvious.

Carpenter isn’t the only one. Eric Erickson at Red State even goes as far as to call Tom Cole, the head of the NRCC, a “douchebag” over his decision.

So it’s now evident that some of the strongest voices on the right side of the blogosphere echo the same views as Michelle Bachmann. They can not only disagree with their opponents, they want them investigated for what can only be described as treason. These people need hate like they need oxygen. If America was a country full of their own “mini-mes” then they would end up turning on themselves. It would be a very ugly scene, but yet one that would be so much fun to watch.

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