
Happy Lou?

Lou Dobbs has been foaming at the mouth nonstop over former border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, who shot a Mexican drug smuggler in the buttocks and were convicted and imprisoned for it. Well Bush fed the base a little bit of out-going meat today:

On his last full day in office, President Bush commuted the controversial sentences of two former Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a Mexican drug runner in 2005.

The imprisonment of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean had sparked outcry from critics who said the men were just doing their jobs and were punished too harshly. They had been sentenced to 11- and 12-year sentences, respectively.

Their sentences will now expire on March 20 of this year.

Ramos and Compean were sentenced in connection with the shooting of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, who was shot in the buttocks while trying to flee along the Texas border. He admitted smuggling several hundred pounds of marijuana on the day he was shot and pleaded guilty last year to drug charges related to two other smuggling attempts.

But will Lou be happy (and the base)? I except them to sing a little joy for a few minutes over this, but then start complaining that the sentence was only commuted and not a full pardon. Of course their felony convictions still stick and they can no longer work as border agents again.

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