
I Really Hope Our Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan Fail

Without reading past my headline, I wonder how many on the right would quickly see that, especially if it appeared on a site like DKos or Huffington Post, and start yelling calling me an America hater?

Well I don’t wish for our troops to fail in the least. That’s why I never said things like “I hope George Bush fails”. I did call him a failure, but I never wished him to fail.

So why is it fine and dandy for Rush Limbaugh to declare his desire for the failure of our commander in chief? At a time when we are at two wars, with the end to one in site, shouldn’t he be hoping our President is a success? No. Instead Rush has now twice declared his desire for our President to fail since Inauguration Day.

We can quickly say he is wanting to see our economy tank, but Rush isn’t being very specific by saying “I hope he fails”, so we must also assume he is making that wish for Obama’s constitutional duty as commander in chief, which means Rush is hoping our troops fail.

That is a new low, even for Rush Limbaugh.

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