
Steve Haywood’s Terrible Spin Job

Following the news on Michal Steele’s possible legal problems, National Review’s Steve Haywood tries to spin it into some sort of DOJ problem:

<p>Not until you reach well down on the jump page do you learn this interesting little detail: “The U.S. attorney’s office inadvertently sent the confidential document, a defense sentencing memorandum filed under seal, to The Washington Post after the newspaper requested the prosecution’s sentencing memorandum.” Inadvertently sent what was supposed to be a sealed document to the Post? Yeah, sure, and the Post will sell you the Brooklyn Bridge real cheap, too.</p>

Is anyone in the U.S. Attorney’s office going to lose their job over this? Will the Obama DOJ launch an investigation to make sure this wasn’t politically motivated? What would the Post and others have said if this had happened to, say, Howard Dean, during the Bush

Oh my – this smells of another New York Times type “scandal”. Unfortanutley for Haywood, it’s not as Kevin Drum points out:

Well, considering that U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein was appointed by George Bush, my guess is that he will indeed lose his job pretty soon. Just like all the rest of Bush’s USAs. As for an investigation, that seems like it would be a petty and vindictive partisan attack on a Bush appointee who’s going to be out of office soon anyway, but I guess it’s OK with me if conservatives insist.

In the world of the internets that is commonly referred to as being pwn3d. In defense of Haywood though, he still believes that there has never been a corrupt Republican.


It looks like Haywood maybe just setting the tone of the right wing talking point. Doug Ross, in a post entitled “Obama Justice Department “accidentally” leaks sealed files” says this:

Nothing terrifies liberals as much as a powerful, black conservative. Michael Steele, in this case.

So now they are wanting to make race an issue in this. I figured that wouldn’t take long, but we also got Ace of Spades blaming this all on Obama and wanting people fired. Again – the U.S. attorney was appointed by George W. Bush. Hell Obama’s AG hasn’t even been in power for a week. Do they think Holder went right in to the DOJ and said “give me dirt on Republicans to leak to the press”? If that’s what they believe then we found our economic stimulus. The tin foil hat industry will be booming.

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