
Blind Following

The number two vote getter for the straw poll at CPAC, Bobby Jindal, clarifies the rules of Republicans to Larry King last night:

King: One more thing. It may be moot now, but RNC Chairman Michael Steele took some shots at Limbaugh and then apologized. What do you make of all of that?

Jindal: Well, I didn’t follow the day’s events. I’m glad he apologized.

(h/t Attaturk)

So Jindal doesn’t know what all the commotion was about, but he knew Limbaugh must be right? Wow this takes the cake. They have given carte blanche to a man who makes fun of Parkinson’s disease, uses racial innuendos to discuss our President, called Hillary Clinton a “hoe”, is a pill addict and a whole slue of other things. And this is the direction the Republican Party wants to do? Again – you guys are fucked.

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