
Local Fox Affiliate Refuses To Air “Osbournes: Reloaded’


A case of little Fox verses big Fox:

The debut show of “Osbournes: Reloaded” could not be seen Tuesday, March 31 by viewers of Cincinnati’s Fox19 because the station felt the show was too inappropriate for a potentially younger audience.

Viewers who tuned in at 9:30 p.m. instead heard a message from Fox19’s general manager Bill Lanesey.

“After previewing a portion of the program, we did not feel the content was suitable for the time period following ‘American Idol,'” Lanesey said. “We estimate that over 100,000 children between the ages of 6 and 11 just finished watching ‘Idol,’ and we were not comfortable with the idea of exposing those same children to some of the content contained in the Osbourne special.

“We realize that many viewers were looking forward to this program and regret that our decision will prevent you from viewing the special,” he said. “It can be viewed anytime after midnight tonight on either or”

Perhaps the people who make these decisions should travel abroad and see what other countries air during their prime time hours. It makes our programming look like TBN. Well that is unless you travel to certain countries – the Muslim ones.

This seems like it is tied to our larger problems as a society. The corporations take it upon themselves to play parent, instead of letting the actual parents do it. Then when kids do act up, we let the police play the role of disciplinarian, instead of the parents. Its creating the problems we are seeing with our youth today.

I know I am considered a fringe thinker at times, so I am really going to throw one out of left field here. What if, and I am speaking hypothetically of course, but what if parents had to sit there and say “no you can’t watch that show”, then explain why? Yeah I know – that’s just crazy. Instead Fox needs to tell the kids that, and if they do then go ahead and call the police.

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