
Quote Of The Day


Venezuela is a country whose defense budget is probably 1/600th of the United States’. They own Citgo. It’s unlikely that as a consequence of me shaking hands or having a polite conversation with Mr. Chavez that we are endangering the strategic interests of the United States. I don’t think anybody can find any evidence that that would do so. Even within this imaginative crowd, I think you would be hard-pressed to paint a scenario in which U.S. interests would be damaged as a consequence of us having a more constructive relationship with Venezuela.

President Obama firing back at the absolutely moronic idiots on the right, who think that shaking hands with Chavez will eliminate us as a nation.

Are you reading Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan? This is what common sense sounds like. Why don’t you guys follow it?

(h/t Gregg)

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