
Bashing The Listenting Tour

Any guess who wrote this?

A new group was recently formed that is calling itself a group of experts for the purpose of making the Republican Party attractive to voters again. The strategy is supposedly to go on a listening tour so they can talk to the American people and hear what people are concerned about.

It’s hard to keep from laughing out loud when people living in the bubble of the Beltway suddenly wake up one day and think they ought to have a listening tour; even funnier when their first earful expedition takes them all the way to the suburbs of Washington, D.C.

If some of these leaders had been listening already, they wouldn’t need to form a group to start listening now. Some of the ones who have decided to start listening sure weren’t listening last fall when they were supporting the TARP bailout bill that pretty much discredited any semblance of conservative conviction.

That’s from Mike Huckabee and is just another example of how the Republican Party is fracturing even more. What it really screams out is the vacuum of leadership the Republican Party is experiencing. As the status quo leaders try to rebuild the party we can expect to see the wanna-be leaders like Huckabee blasting them, and that is going to be even more fun to watch.

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