
“We Hate the United States”

Yesterday there was a pro-secession rally in Texas, or as I like to call it “the Rick Perry fan club”. One of the chants they were yelling – “we hate the United States”. Could you imagine that being yelled by people on the left during the Bush years? Welcome to the no-fly list, being intercepted by NSA and followed by the Pentagon.

But this doesn’t seem to be a problem confined to Texas. At the tea rallies and townhalls the right exhibiting more and more hatred to our nation. When we have people proudly declare they are “right wing terrorists” and Republican congressmen offering them support, then the problem becomes symbolic with the Republican Party.

It’s amazing that the party of Lincoln is so damn set on tearing this nation apart. Could you imagine if he was alive today to see this? Hell – could you imagine if Reagan was alive today to see this? The Republican Party has become a party of whackos and until it finds true leadership the membership will continue to deteriorate.

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