
What Does 9/11 Mark?

I was just reading Cohen’s latest piece of crap-o-la over at the WaPo. First let’s start with this:

Attorney General Eric Holder has named a special prosecutor to see whether any of the CIA’s interrogators broke the law. Special prosecutors are often themselves like interrogators — they don’t know when to stop. They go on and on because, well, they can go on and on. One of them managed to put Judith Miller of The New York Times in jail — a wee bit of torture right there. No CIA interrogator can feel safe. The interrogators are about to be interrogated.

The prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, didn’t put Miller in jail – the judge did. Did Cohen forget the very basics of how our justice system operates? Miller was held for contempt of court, and as with any crime a judge passes down the punishment.

But it gets better:

No one can possibly believe that America is now safer because of the new restrictions on enhanced interrogation and the subsequent appointment of a special prosecutor. The captured terrorist of my fertile imagination, assuming he had access to an Internet cafe, knows about the special prosecutor. He knows his interrogator is under scrutiny. What person under those circumstances is going to spill his beans?

America is less safe now? I just got thinking that we are 11 days from marking the attacks and thought of something this would really symbolize. On 9/11 this year we can celebrate the fact that Barack Obama has been able to keep us safer longer into his presidency than Bush. We can twist things on our side too and celebrate that. Barack Obama was able to protect his nation past the 9 month mark. Could Bush do that? No.

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