
Huckabee Loses A Supporter


Mike Huckabee is having a very bad week. First we find out that he granted clemency to a violent prisoner who went on to slay 4 Washington police officers. Now the fallout continues as his own flock start to leave:

As I mentioned this morning, I resigned my position as Arkansas coordinator for HuckPAC today where I served in a volunteer capacity. My departure was with a heavy heart but was done after serious prayer and consideration. Some have asked about the timing. As most could imagine, the recent news of the last two days along with the response did play a role in this decision but was not the sole factor.

Given the grave nature of Huckabee’s poor judgment in the Clemmons’ case, we can only expect to see many more resignations like this in the coming days and weeks. I know Huckabee was downplaying any talk of a 2012 run before the incident, but Huckabee was the front runner for the 2012 Republican primary and now he hasn’t a prayer, even if he does decide to run.

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