
Mike Huckabee – The Poster Child For Separation Of Church And State


Joe Conason has a very enlightening piece up about Mike Huckabee and his addiction to letting criminals walk free. In the article Conason points out something very interesting, yet missed in this debate:

Huckabee has proudly declared on many occasions that he disdains the separation of church and state, insisting that his strict Baptist piety should serve as the bedrock of public policy. Nowhere in his record as governor was the influence of religious zeal felt more heavily than in the distribution of pardons and commutations, as his own explanations have indicated.

Religion clouded Huckabee’s judgment, which resulted in the release of a record number of prisoners, including Maurice Clemmons. This is the very reason why we should chose leaders based upon their performance, instead of how many times they pray. Would Jesus let someone like Clemmons walk free to constantly repeat the violent crimes he had done all his life? I highly doubt it.

The next time someone says they will use their religious views to lead our nation, we now only have to point to the actions of Huckabee to argue against them.

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