
Republicans Attempted Filibuster Of Defense Appropriations Bill


This is something I never thought I would see:

Senate Republicans said Thursday that they would try to filibuster a massive Pentagon bill that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, an unusual move that several acknowledged was an effort to delay President Obama’s health-care legislation.

Late into the night, Democrats emerged from a huddle confident that they would muster the 60 votes needed to thwart the GOP effort at blocking the military spending bill as an antiwar liberal said he would set aside his reservations and support choking off the filibuster in order to keep the chamber on a timeline of holding a final health-care vote before Christmas. The vote on the defense spending bill was to occur after 1 a.m. Friday, too late for this edition.

So they are willing to hurt our troops and our fight against terrorism because they don’t like health care reform?

They are willing to cause a terrorist attack on this nation because of this?

Don’t the Republicans take the war on terror seriously? Sounds like they are living in a pre-9/11 world.

Table turning is fun in a sad sort of way, but the filibuster was busted at about 2am this morning by a vote of 63-33. Sorry Republicans – our troops will get their money no thanks to you!

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