
Staying Home On 11/2/10


110210 11/2/10 is Election Day and given the current state of health care reform and the Senate constantly ignoring the will of the people, I have decided if this bill isn’t change that I’m going to do something I have never done – skip an election.

Having been a life long Democrat and getting involved in the actual party politics at a very young age, this decision doesn’t come very lightly. It’s not just the Democratic Party that is broken, but the system as a whole. When we have a Senate where the minority actually rules then we see that democracy is dead in the United States.

It has become obvious over the past 11 months that the Democrats aren’t willing to listen to the people who worked to deliver them to power, so the only message we can send now is to watch as their numbers decline. Hopefully once that happens we can start building up a new, better party with elected officials who remember the people they represent – you and me.

If there is some big turn around in the healthcare bill then I will gladly rescind this, but with every passing day the bill becomes less of what we hoped for and more of what the insurance companies will love. The profits of big business are once again trumping the lives of Americans and that is a sorry state of affairs for this nation.

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