
The Tea Parties Latest Victim Is Feeling The Pain

That would be Charlie Crist:

Governor Charlie Crist and former state House Speaker Marco Rubio are now tied in the 2010 race for the Republican Senate nomination in Florida.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely GOP Primary voters finds Crist and Rubio each with 43% of the vote. Five percent (5%) prefer another candidate, and nine percent (9%) are undecided.

Jonathon Singer reminds us:

A month and a half ago, when the Club for Growth began setting its sights on Charlie Crist, I asked how long it would take Charlie Crist to pull a half or full Specter — that is, pull out of the GOP primary and run either as an Independent or a Democrat. With numbers showing it decreasingly likely that the somewhat moderate Crist can make it out of a GOP primary, decision time might be nearer than we previously thought.

Singer could be onto something here. Watch as more moderate Republicans do the quick party switch and become Democrats, helping to pull the Democratic Party even further to the right. This will really leave Liberals feeling like they have no home, and that will be a very bad thing. I hate to put on my conspiracy hat, but perhaps this is a little known motive to the tea party movement.

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