
Website Defending Glenn Back Issues A Big Retraction


The website has been fighting back against the boycotts of Glenn Beck. The mission statement of their site even states as much in rather bold terms:


Ironically it turns out that their site was actually pushing a lie, not about Glenn Beck, but about Color of Change: on several occasions inaccurately reported that Color of Change called President Bush a “racist”. We have confirmed that Color of Change did not, in fact, call George Bush a “racist” on its website and although we picked up that allegation from another website (, that allegation is false and we apologize to Color of Change for this error.

I do have to give them big credit here for setting the record straight and issuing an apology, but I also need to offer a little advice in return. Never listen to NewsMax. That site is constantly proven wrong. I mean they are so wrong that you seldom see rightwing blogs even quote them. NewsMax, simply put, is the National Enquirer of right wing politics.

(h/t StopBeck)

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