
A New Hurdle For #HCR Might Be Popping Up

By the time the House and Senate get back in session and get their differences hammered out, we might not have 60 votes for the bill to pass:

Playing it cautious, the Cook Political Report moves the U.S. Senate special election in Massachusetts from the Solid Democratic column to the Lean Democratic column.

“At this point, we suspect that the race has indeed closed somewhat and that the result will probably be closer than it ought to be, but we continue to believe that Brown has a very uphill struggle in his quest to pull off a Massachusetts Miracle. At the same time, we have a well-earned appreciation for how unpredictable special elections can be even in states or congressional districts that sit solidly in one party’s camp or the other.”

I couldn’t imagine a bigger gut punch to Democrats than for the seat of the late Ted Kennedy to go to a Republican, and to make that even worse, if the seat then becomes the nail in the coffin for health care reform.

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