
Hey Boston Globe – There Is More Than One Liberal Blog Voice

In an article talking about Tuesday’s race, the Boston Globe decides to talk to one single “liberal blogger” to gauge the feel of the entire blogosphere:

Liberal blogs are loaded with complaints about Obama and demands that the president move to the left. During the campaign, “they energized enthusiasm among people who were really jazzed about voting for change. When you look at what happened, there’s not much change,’’ said Jane Hamsher, who pens a left-leaning blog, FireDogLake

Jane does not represent the progressive blogosphere as a whole. As matter of fact she don’t even represent a majority of it. Her representation of what the progressive blogosphere stands for has been reduced to a slither.

Sure some of us have been disappointed in what hasn’t been done this past year, but most of us are realistic. We know that Obama’s hands were tied by an unprecedented obstructionist minority party. It’s also only his first year in office and he had a lot more on his plate than any former President in recent history. But to use Jane as a voice for us while she is out trying to join forces with groups like the tea party is absurd.

Jane Hamsher and Firedoglake in no way represent this liberal’s views and I think a lot more bloggers are going to be echoing this exact sentiment very soon.

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