
Some Idiot Threatens To Kill Sen. Patty Murray


The right wing rhetoric continues to stoke violence:

A 64-year-old Yakima County man has been charged with threatening to kill U.S. Sen. Patty Murray over her support of the National Health Care Reform Act.

The FBI and local police arrested Charles Alan Wilson at his Selah home early Tuesday. Wilson was scheduled to make an appearance in U.S. District Court in Yakima, and he will then be transported to Seattle, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

According to the charges, staffers in Murray’s office in the Jackson Building in downtown Seattle had become concerned over a series of phone calls by an unknown man over the past several months. The calls came from a blocked number, and often were made in the evenings or on weekends.

What really strikes my curiosity is the fact that this story is about 4 hours old now and when looking at the thread on Memeorandum it appears to have totally missed the radar of the right wing blogs. This seems to be somewhat of a trend from the right. When these big stories always break I monitor the right wing sites just to see what their talking points may be. You usually won’t see anything for a few hours and then the onslaught of posts occur. It’s almost like a game of “follow the leader”, but who is that leader?

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